I bow to the magic
January 30, 2023 | 6:52pm
There is so much good in the Universe. I find myself awed by the way life reveals itself and its magic. I believe in life’s magic, the way of its movement, and the truth of its realness. I have firsthand experience in fact. The more I practice accessing what is true and living from that place, the more I experience that magic. Truth aligns us with the highest vibration rendering only the highest outcome, no matter how things appear [remember: we cannot see all things and therefore can neither perceive nor connect all the dots]. When I ponder Christ, I think of him and his alignment with life. I believe that he was so tapped in that his life reflected that of walking atop water; the Buddha, too, awakened in such a way that all became known. Both faced extreme difficulties and hardships. Even as awakened beings, they were not exempt from the elements of life. It’s just that those difficult and trying elements lost their potency. The inner world outgrew the outer.
We are not separate from any of the Great Knowers and Seers.
I am energized by the reality that I, too, have access to the ingredients of a life lived in alignment, in Oneness. I have found that living in alignment requires a combination of many things: consciously tuning in, listening, accessing the truth—going within. Then I take that information and allow it to inform the decisions that I make based on what is true regardless of how it may feel or appear or look, or what it may potentially “cause.” I have learned along the way that we are not obligated to enter the mindset of worry (it also has no benefit), nor are we responsible for the receiver's thoughts, feelings, or behavior. Whatever shows up becomes information, and from there we repeat the practice, asking, what is true here?
We all have a journey. I can’t live yours for you and you can’t live mine for me. Interestingly, this is easily forgotten. We start trying to control the outcome of the situation or other person by ignoring truth over fear. We chalk it up to feeling bad or guilty, which ultimately does more harm than good. We end up overthinking to the point where we think ourselves out of what is true, and now we’re out of alignment. We go underwater rather than walking atop.
Each of us has access to an inner power. It is a resource ever ready and available to us. We do not have to shrink or be small. We do not have to recite the mantra of “I feel bad” or “I feel guilty” when we are living from truth. Perhaps this is an unconscious way of not wanting to deal with the “it” on the table. I guarantee you that living with truth is the way of alignment in all aspects of your life. We begin to experience life’s magic when we enter in, when we deal with it.
Deal with it all, especially what you find difficult, hard, or challenging. Deal with it all, especially what you’re afraid of. Deal with it all so that you find yourself and live from the bounty of that discovery. This human experience is not about perfection or everything having to always be good. Difficulties, disappointments, and hardships are real. No one is exempt. We all know that life is vast and wide, and that all things occur. It simply means that we practice tapping into the truth even in those moments so that we become clearer and able to meet them without attaching the thoughts of our minds. We practice lessening the swings of the monkey.
Knowing that there is a deeper essence to life, one that awakens the completeness of my senses, leaves me with nearly no other choice than to choose it. Why wouldn’t I? Why wouldn’t I want to experience the magic of being in alignment with Life, and my life? Fear may be there, but we do not have to live by its tutelage. It leads us toward one thing: limitation. In the face of fear, I still hold truth at the highest level, not confusion. Confusion is what happens when we trick ourselves into believing that the nature of the situation is beyond our ability to know and to see clearly. This isn’t true. We can see clearly in every moment that we practice turning toward rather than away. Own yourself. Own your voice. Own your truth.
I bow to the magic. It deserves the fullness of my sight gazing upon it.